
gold antlers

ive had quite a few projects in the works lately. i finished an old wool skirt that i nipped and sewed up and now it looks great. im also working on a top secret present thats taking alot more time and measuring and the worst part...engineering.engineering parts to fit together and which part needs to be sewn before it gets flipped inside out and all those things that my brain is no good for.

ive been down in the dumps lately, after a discouraging week at school and just a general feeling of frustration following me everywhere i go.work has been suprisingly easy,though, and my work days pass by quickly.ive been having very vivid and strange drams, but they are the best when people i know are in them. i had one that bryan and i were on the lookout for gators, walking through a swamp.in another dream, karyn and i were shopping for used underwear, and in my favorite dream i woke up in the middle of a college capus, in a big glorious bed, and i got out and started to make the bed and lay out the sheets, and the top sheet blew away and got stuck in a tree. i chased it, and when i got there it was covered in spots of blue ink.id like to know what that means.

i asked my ouija what my indian name would be, and my special indian title is Gold Antlers. jens is Happy Rabbit and dad is Lazy Oyster.

ive picked up a nasty snacking habit, im suprised to say that ive been feeling a return of my long-lost sweet tooth.ive been eating too much mochi and red bean candies that mom and dad brought back from china town, and i just cant help it. i also made some vegan peanut butter cookies that probably wouldnt tast too great to anyone else, but when you make it yourself its much tastier.


i dyed my hair again, but this time left the dye in for too long. my hair is carrot-orange, my hands,too!

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