

this morning i woke up nicely, until my mom screamed into my door that i had a yoga class at nine, so here i am, ready to go, exhausted and feeling not so rested.im going off to class soon, now.

i think that im going to start eating a piece of chocolate everyday. it really does make me feel better. i feel cute and happy and a little bit guilty but thats alright.

last night after a phone conversation with b. i was suddenly really in the mood for homework- well, actually, im using these very convenient math and algebra internet calculators, but anyway, i was really driven and excited about finishing, and i almost did, but ran into some problems and now that the excitement has sort of gone away but the ideas why i should finish early are still there, and i wont be able to really enjoy anything else until its all done for.


yesterday i thought i was going to go out, but i really didnt. i wore a navy blue skirt and a plaid high neck blouse with the sleeves rolled up and the button undone one or two. the buttons are flower-shaped, and i almost bought two in different colors from mission thrift, butthis one was prettier, i think. i didnt actually wear it with these wonderful pink shoes that went very well with it, just because i dont want to wear heels all of the time and for me, in the daytime, it can be a little wrong. but they fit the outfit wonderfully, theyre pink platforms, this pretty pretty ballet pink...i think ive already taked about them. i would have worn my pink belt, but its broken and ripped. anyway, my hair was acting a mess and now ive got to run down to the store with my dad and jens to buy myself some har dye. i want it to be a darker color but still a little reddish, i like that part.

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